Friday, January 26, 2024

It's been a while...

 I haven't posted on here in a very, very long time. Honestly, I don't see much point in it. There are a million social media sites and places people can digest content much more rapidly, but this has been here since the beginning of what I would call my formal photography career. So it deserves a little attention from time to time. 

One major change is that I've stopped using thatverynextthing and started just using Jon Karr ( obviously). So my SEO isn't quite what it used to be, but I'm actually busier than ever. My best work is ahead.

To catch up, here's a photo of me (with a beard) lifting a light for a commercial video shoot. If you've lived in Nashville for any amount of time, you know Bart Durham. This is some BTS of me filming an ad for them, which is possibly the pinnacle of Nashville Advertising. 

I've also grown my chops as a music photographer and my band photography can also be seen at so check it out there!

Nashville music photographer Jon Karr